Friday, November 28, 2014

Free December Challenge: Christmas, Crunches, & KINDNESS

As a Beachbody Coach, I've been blessed in SO many ways I never even knew possible...emotionally, physically, financially, and so much more. I started out using our programs and Shakeology simply wanting to lose my pregnancy weight and had NO desire to work the business. That was until I realized how many other mamas and other women were struggling with many of the same things I struggled with my entire life.
One of the BEST things about this business is the opportunity to GIVE BACK to others. I firmly believe that I have been BLESSED TO BE A BLESSING and this December we are starting what just might be my FAVORITE **FREE** challenge group to date! Keep reading for details...
My team's missions is to leave a legacy and to be a light to others in this world. This holiday season, that's EXACTLY what we want to do and we want YOU to help us! So here is the deal...
From December 1 - 24, we are going to get a little healthier by doing a variety of crunches each day BUT my favorite part of this challenge will be spreading love and holiday cheer to others through RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS and PAYING IT FORWARD! (this does not mean you have to spend a lot of money or any money...we have all sorts of ideas for you!)
Every day, you will have the opportunity to be a light to others and help make this world a better place during this holiday season. JUST THINK! If we have 50 people in this group and everyone does 1 Random Act of Kindness or Pay It Forward action every day between Dec 1-24, we will touch 850 peoples' lives in a POSITIVE way! If we have 100 people participate....we will touch 1,700 lives....150 people participate= 2,550 lives....200 people participate = 3,400 lives touched!
Are you ready to get a little healthier and A LOT HAPPIER by being a light to others and spreading some holiday cheer? IF SO, JOIN US!!!
You can request in this group through the link below...and feel free to invite anyone else!  THE MORE, THE MERRIER! <3

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