Monday, September 29, 2014

My Postpartum Transformation: Emotionally, Mentally, Spiritually, AND Physically

I never thought I would gain 56 lbs when I found out I was pregnant...but I did.

Physically, I had a great pregnancy.  I couldn't have asked for more.  However, I was not in a great place mentally.  I was beyond overwhelmed and scared.  I don't think that I've fully admitted this until now.

George and I had only been married for 8 weeks.  We just moved across the country from TX to PA and found out we were expecting 5 days after we moved.  No, it was not planned.  In fact, we knew there was a great chance we could not have children. We both had new jobs.  We didn't have our own house. I left all my friends and had very few here. To top it off, I wasn't thrilled about moving back to PA in the first place...there's something very odd about returning to a place 7 years later as a completely different person than you were in high school.

So, I ate...and ate...and ate some more.  I didn't exercise. I stressed every day about our house renovations being done in time to move in before our little man arrived.  The horrible winter weather didn't help our situation either.  We will never move in January again...ever.

56lbs of stress (and 8.3lbs of AMAZING LIFE CHANGING baby) later, I had to do some major damage control.

I truly believe your physical health is STRONGLY tied to your mental health.  When one is not right, usually the other is out of whack.  The same goes for when one IS right...usually the other follows. It's a vicious cycle and can work FOR you or AGAINST you.

My postpartum journey has been much more than a physical journey.  It's been a total transformation....mind, body, and soul.  I had to focus on heart and my mind...and suddenly, the physical followed.

As a health and fitness coach, my goal isn't to only help people lose weight or get toned.  My goal is to help people get healthy---mentally, emotionally, spiritually AND physically.

I would love to help you if you are ready for a change.  Health is a journey, not a destination. I'm still working on me and have another 10-15lbs to lose (mostly tone up!)....but mentally, I'm right where I should be and I FEEL better than ever!

Message me so we can set up a time to talk about some options for you. Don't wait.  You deserve to be healthy AND happy...mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically.


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