Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Health Is A Journey, Not A Destination

My journey hasn't always been easy....

In my teens, I was a captain of my cheerleading squad, had plenty of friends, and was super social. You never would have known I wasn't truly happy with who I was. Deep down I wanted to be tan and skinny like all the other girls. I never let anyone know I had a negative self-body image but I struggled with finding who I was my entire high school and college life. I always sought out the approval of others and wanted everyone to like me. I cared more about what others thought of me than what I thought of myself.
In my twenties, I had a great job, traveled a ton, shopped til' I dropped, and looked like I was "living the life" to many. Deep down, I (still) wanted to be tan and skinny, make more money, drive a luxury car, wear designer clothes, have a hot boyfriend, and wanted everyone to like me. I struggled with an eating disorder for a couple years, treated my body poorly by drinking and eating poorly, often times binging, all while desperately trying to be someone that I thought everyone else would like. I cared more about what others thought of me than what I thought of myself or what God thought of me.
In my thirties, my cup runneth over and I truly feel like I'm living a dream. I'm married to my real life prince charming, am a mom to THE coolest little man, have my dream job of being a work-from-home-mom and coach, and I'm in the best shape of my life physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and financially. I genuinely love myself and am on a mission to be a light to others in this world through sharing Jesus love and hope to help any other woman that is struggling with her own demons.

It's easy to hide behind your fears and insecurities. It's easy to put on a happy face and pretend that everything is ok. It's sometimes easier to stay in the same place than it is to make changes. SO, HOW DID I GET HERE?

-First and foremost...by the grace of God. heart emoticon 

through finding a man that loves me for me and makes me want to be a better woman every single day. 

-Third....by making the choice to get healthy...not skinny. Joining my coach and friend, Danielle, on this crazy journey has completely changed my world and I will be forever grateful for the gift she has given me and my family.
It is NEVER too late to make a change. It is NEVER too late to turn your life around. It is NEVER too late to live the life God has planned for you. It is NEVER too late to live your happily every after.

Shine On, 

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