Monday, December 15, 2014

My Mug Is Half Full

It's been a long day.  I slept in because little man was up a couple times during the night and needed me.  I didn't get my workout done this morning because I woke up too late. I chose to sleep instead of get up.  My work day didn't go quite as planned, either. Then to top it off, just as I was starting to workout at 6:20pm after my long day, I got ANOTHER client call that kept me on the phone until 7:00pm.  UGH!  Since my nanny had left, I had to put Nico in his bouncer while I was on the phone, and let's just say, he wasn't happy. George got home later than usual.  I was HANGRY and I definitely did NOT want to cook.  This day was just not my cup of tea.

After all of that, I checked the mail and noticed something sitting on my doorstep.  I received the usual amount of junk mail, one more Christmas card (that makes me wonder why I have NO desire to send those...they are SO. MUCH. WORK.), and an ADORABLE little mug with the letter "H" on it filled with some YUMMINESS of sea salt caramel hot cocoa and Bailey's.  WHO IS THIS ELF IN MY LIFE?!  They have no idea but they turned my day around.  I still don't know who it is from but I am sending them a big virtual hug & kiss for their thoughtfulness!  WAS IT YOU!?

Want to see the awesome surprise present from the mystery elf?


I always try to live a "glass half full" kind of life but today I'm living by the "mug half full" motto. Do you always try to see the brighter side of things?

With the not so perfect morning that I described, let me re-word that for you speaking from my "mug half full" mentality. I might not have slept for 8 hours but I did get some sleep. The reason for me not getting 8 hours of sleep means that I am so blessed to have a baby that needs me because so many women don't have that opportunity.  I didn't get my workout done this morning but I DID get it done this evening.  My work day didn't go as planned but I have a job. I might have had to work late but getting another client means earning more money for my family.  Even though George got home later than usual, he came home, cooked dinner, and as usual, gave me a kiss as soon as we saw each other.

Life is about perspective.  Is your mug half full or half empty?


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