Monday, January 12, 2015

There Is Hope for Your Postpartum Health & Fitness

I get a lot of "HOW DID YOU DO IT?" when it comes to getting into the best shape of my life AFTER having my baby.  Most people experience the "best shape of their life" in their 20's, not after having a baby and being in the 30 club.

Simply put, I eat healthy, put the right nutrients into my system every day, and exercise.  I mean, it no longer seems like a big mystery to me and wonder why it took me so long to actually figure this whole healthy lifestyle thing out. The best part is that it is so realistic for ANYONE to do. I'm NO different than you. I've struggled my whole life with staying on track and getting healthy. I've been skinny fat, I've been overweight, I've been a gym rat, I've tried diet pills, I've tried not eating, I've tried it all.  FINALLY I've found something that works for me.  Thanks to becoming an online health & fitness Coach and finding Beachbody, I've been able to maintain this lifestyle and show others, like you, how to do the same.

Let me break it down for you.  Your body is like a car. Whatever you put into it (the gas) effects how it runs. If you put oil into your gas tank, it's not going to run right. So, think about it. Whatever you're consuming/eating/drinking effects how your body runs.  It effects your mood, your energy, your weight, and your health. Personally, I think people put too much of an emphasis on working out.  While working out is great for you and does so many wonderful things for your heart and your health, you can NOT outwork a poor diet. Much like your car won't run efficiently if you're not putting the right gas in it.  It might be able to "go" but eventually, it's going to wear out much quicker than it would if you were fueling it with the right stuff.

So it's simple...


This doesn't mean you never get to enjoy ice cream, chocolate, pasta, etc. There's something I like to explain to my clients as the 90/10 rule. It means to eat clean 90% of the time and treat yourself 10% to other things that you wouldn't normally have.


This doesn't mean you have to live at the gym or workout an hour every day. Simply doing 20-30 minutes of some sort of exercise will do WONDERS for your health.

If you need help in any of these areas and aren't sure the next step to take, I would love to help you!  Email me today so we can set up a time to talk. If I can do this, ANYONE can do this and that includes YOU!


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