Friday, July 10, 2015

I Am Not Special. You Can Be A Successful Beachbody Coach, Too.

In elementary school I was bullied by a 1980's version "mean girl". Some days I was good enough to be her "best friend" and some days I didn't make the cut. I remember one day she took back the best friend bracelet she had given me and gave it to another girl. I tried my best to prove to her that I was worthy of her friendship. Some days she accepted and other days she didn't but I still tried.

In middle school, I was chubby and a less than average student. The boys didn't all have crushes on me and I didn't make straight A's. It was a big deal for me to make the honor roll because I really had to try. My brother never had to try and always made straight A's. He can retain information like a sponge. I can remember hiding so many test papers of mine, embarrassed the other kids would see them and think I was stupid. Even though it didn't come easy to me, I still tried my best and got by.

In high school, I can remember the day we had cheerleading tryouts as freshman. I can remember being so nervous! I went to a private school K-8 and had just transferred to the scary public school. I was chubby, in my odd tween stage, and didn't have a ton of friends but I wanted to be a cheerleader more than ANYTHING. If it weren't for my mom believing in my and telling me that I was special, I NEVER would have tried out. To be completely honest with you, my jumps weren't as good as many of the girls, my arms weren't as straight as many of the others, and I could barely do a cartwheel. Even though I really didn't know what I was doing, I tried my best.....and I MADE IT! Funny but one of the girls that didn't make it came running out of the tryouts and screaming in disgust "HEATHER SHRIVER MADE IT!" mom heard you. Lol. I may not have been the best cheerleader on my squad but....I TRIED MY BEST and made it happen.

In college, I had a similar experience with cheerleading. I really had NO business trying out for a college team but something in me told me I could do it! I wasn't a gymnast like many of the girls but I was going to try my best and see if I could make the team. Guess what? I DID! I admittedly was not the best girl on that team either but....I TRIED MY BEST and made it happen.

I went to college to be a teacher and taught for 3 years. I loved my students but I was broke and BURNT OUT! I worked 7 days a week to make ends meet, did before/after school tutoring and racked up $30K in debt to keep up with the Jones'. I wanted to get out of teaching but didn't know what to do. Through a miracle by God, I ended up getting an interview with the largest education publishing company in the world. I had never been in sales and had no clue what I was getting myself into but I knew I had to at least TRY! The day of the interview, I called my mom and said I was going to cancel. I gave her some crazy excuse about not having a clean suit. She called me out on my ridiculous excuse and gave me some of the best advice she's ever given me -- "You can't turn down a job until you get the offer." She believed in me and she made my realize I owed it to myself to TRY. I got that job...and continued to TRY my best and made President's Club 2 years in a row earning more money than I ever thought possible.


This last year, I was presented with an opportunity to not only lose the nearly 60lbs of pregnancy weight but to be able to work from home as an online health and fitness coach so that I could stay home with my brand new son, Nico. I was DESPERATE to stay home with him but was extremely skeptical.

--I have no background in health and fitness.
--I have struggled with my weight my whole life.
--I was a brand new mom and had a full time corporate job.
--I have been able to make 6 figures in previous jobs (working 50+ hours a week) so how could I possibly do that while working less hours and from out of my home?
--I have NO extra time. I am a new mom and work a demanding job...let alone everything else that comes with life.

Just like EVERY other time in my life, I didn't have any magic powers or "connections" to get the things I wanted so badly but I did have one thing...EFFORT. I tried. I wanted to stay home with my son more than anything in the world and knew I HAD to give it a TRY! And I'm so blessed to say, I quit my corporate job in January because of this business!

As I sit here today (14 months into online coaching), while my son naps, I am blown away at the fact that I, Heather Shriver Burns, have been able to grow a successful business from the comfort of my home. The best part is that I get to HELP OTHER WOMEN get healthier and build their own futures with this business! I would be selfish NOT to share this opportunity with you!

I. AM. NOT. SPECIAL. I AM JUST LIKE YOU! I have dealt with ups and downs of life. You see this "AFTER" photo of me at the BEST stage of my life thanks to this AMAZING BUSINESS and grace of God. I am healthy; physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, and spiritually. I want THAT for YOU, too.

If you can relate to my story in any way and want to learn more about joining my team to become THE BEST version of you, comment below "I AM CURIOUS" and I'll shoot you a message so we can connect! You can also fill out the application below and I will be in touch soon!

In Love & Light,

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